Friday, 30 April 2010

Another Hitler based joke thing.

Last night I had a bit of a stand up style joke.

I'll see if I can tell it well. goes like this.

"People always seem to stereotype others based on their creative impulses. Something like 'not a hard worker because they have chosen to have a tattoo on their forehead'. Something like that. But I think this is harsh. I mean it may be true, but you only need to look at one man to prove it wasn't. Adolf Hitler. Look at what he achieved and he was a lazy shaver. Imagine if he wasn't so casual with regards to so many things; so haphazard about his own personal facial hair. Think about what he could have done if he put his mind to it and actually tried once in a while..."

So it was something like that. Basically riffing along the lines of Hitler not shaving meaning he was lazy and what could have been...

Over and out.

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